Bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching, is very common among people. Caused by stress, anxiety, and sometimes an abnormal bite, teeth grinding often occurs while you are sleeping, so many people do not even realize they are doing it. Your orthodontist Chicago has some pointers on how to recognize bruxism, though.
There are a couple of symptoms to watch out for if you suspect that you grind your teeth. A dull, constant headache is a sign that you grind your teeth in your sleep. Also, a sore jaw is a telltale sign of bruxism. If you suspect that you suffer from bruxism, you should immediately see your Chicago orthodontist because there are many adverse effects that come from teeth grinding.
Teeth grinding can result in loosening of teeth, which can eventually lead to tooth loss. You could also wear your teeth down to the point of needing crowns, root canals, or dentures. In addition, it can affect your hearing, your jaw, and can even alter the appearance of your face. There are solutions, though, and your orthodontist Chicago wants to help you stop grinding your teeth.
Your orthodontist Chicago wants to help. You can be fitted with a mouth guard to protect your teeth at night. In addition, if you notice that you clench your jaw during the day, you should actively try to break your habit. Your Chicago orthodontist might recommend courses of action to reduce stress such as attending stress counseling or starting a new exercise program. You can stop bruxism, but you need to be proactive about it.
Blog maintained by Identity Dental Marketing Company.
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