Saturday, August 16, 2014


Some dentists use diagnostic equipment to detect very small cavities. Catching cavities early is always a good thing. If the cavity is really small, Dr. Kevin will often wait before filling the tooth. "Diet can play a significant role in both causing and repairing a tooth, " says Dr. Kevin. "I usually tell the parents to pay particular attention to their child's diet over a 4 to 6 week period while we monitor the decay. Plenty of fruits and vegetables (because they contain cavity-fighting fiber) are advised. Lots of tap water (because it has cavity-fighting flouride in it) and minimal eating of sugary things like sweetened cereals, juice, soda and sports drinks (because they have no sugar neutralizing fiber).
In addition to diet and flouride, your own saliva can also work to help your body repair a small cavity. Dr. Boyd most always asks parents to bring their child back in 2 or 3 months to see if the diet and oral hygiene have been good and will recheck the cavity. "Sometimes," says Dr. Boyd," it's obvious that the tooth decay isn't going away so then I have to fill it." However, many times we find with a changed diet and improved oral hygiene practices we see the tooth has not worsened. In some cases, a small cavity can repair itself through absorbing minerals from the saliva through a process called remineralization. Then, there's no need for a filling!"
"We obviously take a more conservative approach but we believe that there are times when a child's body can work its own magic...especially when it's fed the right stuff!

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